My Wealth

This purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of the My Wealth tool in the Evelyn Partners client portal.

My Wealth

The My Wealth tool provides an overview of your net worth in one place. From here, you can see your assets such as property, cash and investments, as well as pension values and any liabilities.

To access the tool, log in to the client portal, click on the Tools menu item and the from the drop-down menu click My Wealth

Tip: If you do not see this option on the landing page after logging in, please get in touch with your usual Evelyn Partners contact to discuss getting access to this functionality.

My Wealth details

The My Wealth details page provides a summary of your net worth as shown below.  Your net worth is made up of your assets and pensions, minus your liabilities.

Assets are categorised and further information about a category can be viewed by clicking on the arrow next to the % of total assets column. Clicking on the arrow to the right of the asset class will drill down to a sub-level providing a description of the asset and its value.

In the image shown below, we have clicked on the Property_Land category of assets. The second image shows the property assets and the total value of these.

To return to the main, view, click on the “Back to My Wealth” link at the top of the screen

Tip: Updating My Wealth data

Please note that information in My Wealth is currently read-only. If you wish to add, change or remove data, please contact your usual Evelyn Partners contact. The ability to manually update your own data will be introduced in a future update to the client portal.